BeCool - Losing IT! - Conflict Resolution - Disrespect

All of our primary programs are now available for STREAMING!

Conflict Resolution

Module 1: Disrespect 1

Module 1

What’s in the package
  • 29 minutes of instruction
  • Teacher's Guide

I was extremely pleased with all of the “Be Cool” and “Losing it” products. They opened up and engaged special education students who had previously been hostile and resistive to therapy.

Gretchen K. Fuchs
Course Details

Instead of Losing It, your students will learn Conflict Resolution and how to “talk themselves out of it”.

Module 1 is designed to teach students how to use the cognitive processes of imagining consequences and rational self-talk to manage their feelings and behavior, especially angry feelings and destructive behavior related to experiencing disrespect from others.

In each vignette, the protagonist is presented with a potentially provocative person or situation that could result in our hero losing it. Before doing anything, our leading character takes a moment to imagine what losing it might look like and how it could lead to doing something regrettable. Since Losing It always leads to doing something unfavorable, our hero decides it’s better to be smart and “talk him/herself out of it by modeling the use of BeCool Self-Talk.

In the first story, Billy faces the disrespect of two classmates who decide to use him for spit wad target practice. After allowing his fantasies of retaliation to run their course, Billy realizes that by losing it (losing control, acting out), he would only be turning a problem he could handle into one he couldn’t. Instead, Billy chooses to use BeCool self-talk strategies to maintain his dignity and his cool. Modeled after actual school shootings, the second vignette illustrates the ultimate form of losing it. Josh and Ryan have been brought to the breaking point by the relentless bullying from two bullies. We see how irrational self-talk encourages them to violence and self-destruction, while rational self-talk helps them keep their perspective and find an appropriate response. This is powerful material that will move your students and encourage thoughtful discussion in your classroom.

The BeCool Paradigm is research based and truly works.

The Stanfield Way

The child who is ‘left behind’ most is the one who leaves school without transition readiness.

Dr. James Stanfield, Ed.D.

Stanfield Special Education Curriculum

VideoModeling® Programs

VideoModeling® is a ground-breaking teaching concept originated by the James Stanfield Company that’s used in thousands of public and private schools across America and Canada for special education needs.

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Journaling, mediation, and intentional talk aren’t just for adults. 5 ways we can facilitate healthy management of mental health in our children.

James Stanfield Co.

My students were glued to the screen. Love Stanfield’s humor. This is the way to teach social skills.

Susan Simon, Principal

Using Humor to Teach Social Skills

Humor = Retention

We believe you learn best when you laugh. By making the classroom experience more comfortable and enjoyable, humor can make teaching and learning more effective, especially for the K12 segment. At Stanfield, we use humor as an integral part of our curricula.

If you as a speaker don’t help your audience to remember your lessons, then you’re wasting everyone’s time. Humor… can help accomplish that needed retention…

Gean Perret, Screenwriter
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