Job Skills- Generation ME - The Boss is Not Your Parent

All of our primary programs are now available for STREAMING!

School To Work Skills

Module 1: The Man Who Mistook His Boss for a Mommy

Module 1

What’s in the package
  • 68 minutes of instruction
  • Teacher's Guide

A unique approach to preparing students for the shock of an environment where what they need, feel or desire does not come first, and often doesn’t matter.

Jim Graff
Module 1: The Man Who Mistook His Boss for a Mommy

Teach your students that the boss is not your parent.

In this module, your students will learn that the relationship between the boss and the employee is nothing like the relationship with a parent. This one-hour drama is about Hector, who enters the work world expecting the boss to take care of him as his mother did. Hector is entering a world with zero job skills. Hector’s specific delusion of grandeur centers on his belief that he is entitled to be taken care of, nurtured, pampered and catered to. He thinks the boss should relate to him as his mother does and extends this expectation to his co-workers as well, thinking that they too put his desires and whims first, even at their own expense.

Hector’s misconceptions include thinking that, like his mom, his boss and co-workers will forgive his lack of job skills and:

  • Always be on his side
  • Always come to his rescue
  • Always give him another chance
  • Overlook his shortcomings
  • Always forgive mistakes and accept excuses
  • Never ask him to do anything he doesn’t want to do

These unrealistic expectations are part of Hector’s “perception package,” and in this module students will see where these perceptions originate, how they lead to ridiculous fantasies about how he will be treated on the job and how these expectations of special treatment collide with the reality of the workplace. Hector’s fantasy of the ideal job, where he is coddled and rules don’t apply to him, collides with cold reality when he discovers that the workplace doesn’t operate according to his delusions. Students will then see how Hector ultimately learns to successfully adjust his perceptions—and thus his behaviors—to find job success.

The Stanfield Way

The child who is ‘left behind’ most is the one who leaves school without transition readiness.

Dr. James Stanfield, Ed.D.

Stanfield Special Education Curriculum

VideoModeling® Programs

VideoModeling® is a ground-breaking teaching concept originated by the James Stanfield Company that’s used in thousands of public and private schools across America and Canada for special education needs.

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Journaling, mediation, and intentional talk aren’t just for adults. 5 ways we can facilitate healthy management of mental health in our children.

James Stanfield Co.

My students were glued to the screen. Love Stanfield’s humor. This is the way to teach social skills.

Susan Simon, Principal

Using Humor to Teach Social Skills

Humor = Retention

We believe you learn best when you laugh. By making the classroom experience more comfortable and enjoyable, humor can make teaching and learning more effective, especially for the K12 segment. At Stanfield, we use humor as an integral part of our curricula.

If you as a speaker don’t help your audience to remember your lessons, then you’re wasting everyone’s time. Humor… can help accomplish that needed retention…

Gean Perret, Screenwriter
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