icon School To Work Skills

Transitions Level 2

This effective SEL-based motivational program will teach your students how to use persistence to overcome challenging situations.

What its about

Do you know of a student who struggles with effort, communication, or collaboration in the classroom? Maybe they’re convinced that success is a matter of luck, rather than hard work. If so, you’re not alone.

The Transitions Curriculum Level 2: Making the Effort can help. This program is specifically designed for high school students with various learning disabilities, emotional handicaps, or intellectual disabilities. The program aims to help them develop a sense of control in their lives and attribute success to hard work and the use of soft skills instead of luck or circumstances.

The program is divided into two parts, and it focuses on teaching students the power of hard work and soft skills in achieving work and social goals. It teaches students that their effort is the primary cause of success, while a lack of effort is the primary cause of failure.

According to Attribution Theory, people feel more motivated when they have a sense of control over their lives. Hence, the Transitions Curriculum Level 2 ensures that students are taught how to develop a greater sense of control in their own lives and attribute success to hard work.

The program utilizes a variety of engaging activities – such as role-plays, projects, and observational tasks – to teach students the power of hard work, collaboration, and communication. The strong social-emotional learning (SEL) approach helps to develop greater self-efficacy and foster a sense of control in students’ lives.

The students learn how to use their persistence to overcome challenging situations. It teaches them to avoid focusing on the negatives, like blaming others, making excuses, or saying everything is unfair. Instead, it focuses on the positives, like setting achievable goals, developing a positive mindset, and getting positively reinforced with motivation and rewards.

The program is designed to be effective, engaging, and challenging for students with different learning abilities. The activities are intended to be fun and interactive, allowing students to learn in a more natural and relaxed way.

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“Your Transitions Curriculum is wonderful. It is well written and easy for our students to relate to. The suggestions and ideas in the teacher’s manual are an invaluable source of information and help the quality outcome in our life-skills class has produced a much clearer approach for the students with respect to “’life in the real world’.”

Deborah McGichen, Teacher, Baltimore, MD

What You Will Learn

Transitions Level 2 t is based on the motivational Theory of Attribution, which suggests that how people behave is influenced by what they “attribute” their behavior to. With this program, students will realize that they can control their success and that the level of effort they put in determines whether they achieve their transition goals or not.

The program promotes social growth and development, and each lesson is made personal by discussing problems that students have encountered before. This approach makes the material relatable and meaningful for students, who may find it challenging to grasp challenging academic concepts.

In particular, students with disabilities often struggle with motivation and self-confidence. This program is designed to give them the tools they need to succeed.

Through Transitions Level 2, students will learn to understand that of the three elements of success – effort, luck, and talent – effort is the only one they can control. They will also develop a sense of ownership over their lives, making them more likely to take charge of their futures.

The curriculum is structured into lessons that cover various topics, including:

  • goal setting
  • time management
  • Problem-solving
  • Self-advocacy

The lessons also include role-playing exercises, group activities, and journaling that encourage students to reflect on their progress and challenges.

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“I really like the Transitions Curriculum; it is easy to use and hits many of the goals in my student IEP’s”

Susan Szczukowski, teacher, Richfield, MN

After Completion

Many of us overlook the fact that developing prosocial skills is just as important as academic achievements.

In fact, research shows that individuals who possess strong social skills have a higher success rate in their personal and professional lives. Prosocial behavior, such as empathizing with others, cooperating, communicating, and having good manners, creates a positive atmosphere and enhances productivity.

Not only that, but according to various surveys, more than 90% of employers rate soft skills, including communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, as important or very important. Soft skills are essential in the workplace because they help employees interact better with colleagues and customers, and contribute to a positive corporate culture.

Making the Effort Part 2: Soft Skills is focused on helping your students develop adaptive motivation systems and acquire prosocial skills. Through this program, your students will learn how to get along with others and establish strong social relationships.

The program offers practical exercises, role-playing, and group discussions that enable students to learn how to recognize their emotions and control their reactions in various social situations. By focusing on their strengths, passions, and values, students develop a greater sense of responsibility and goal orientation.

Students who complete the Transitions Curriculum Level 2: Making the Effort program have reported a higher level of self-esteem, social competence, and academic achievement. The curriculum has also been shown to reduce behavioral problems and absenteeism.

Teachers using the program have reported a higher level of student engagement and satisfaction with their teaching, resulting in a more positive classroom environment.

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"The Transitions Curriculum is so complete and well organized, I have more time to spend on my teaching.”

Alice Goodson


A comprehensive curriculum that teaches students how to use grit to accomplish their goals.

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    Age: 16+

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    Duration: 7+ Hrs

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    Lessons: 50

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    Format: Illustrations

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    Lifetime Access

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    Access from any Computer, Tablet, or SmartBoard