Handwriting Alternatives: How to Remove Writing as a Source of Tension - Stanfield


Handwriting Alternatives: How to Remove Writing as a Source of Tension

Helping students with handwriting can be a frustrating and time-consuming task. From teaching the proper grip and posture to encouraging practice, the process can be exhausting for both the teacher and the student. 

When writing becomes a source of tension, it’s time to explore some handwriting alternatives. 

This blog post will examine different alternatives to traditional handwriting and provide resources and activities that you can use in your classroom. 

What is Dysgraphia?


Dysgraphia is a specific learning disability that affects writing skills. It is a neurological disorder that impacts the ability to write legibly and coherently. 

Students with dysgraphia may struggle with handwriting, spelling, and written expression. They may also have difficulty with fine motor skills, making it challenging to hold a pencil or pen properly. 

Dysgraphia can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, brain injury, and developmental disorders. 

While dysgraphia can manifest in different ways, some common signs and symptoms include: 

  • messy handwriting
  • difficulty with letter formation and spacing
  • poor spelling and grammar
  • trouble expressing ideas in writing

Students with dysgraphia may also avoid writing tasks altogether due to the frustration and anxiety that it causes them. It is important to note that dysgraphia can co-occur with other learning disabilities, such as dyslexia and ADHD, and that a child can have trouble with handwriting even if they aren’t formally diagnosed with dysgraphia.

How to Remove Handwriting as a Source of Tension in the Classroom


The physical effort required to write can be frustrating and stressful, leading to a negative impact on a student’s overall learning experience. However, there are several alternatives to traditional handwriting that can help reduce this tension and create a more positive classroom environment. 

1. Have Them Make a Recording 

One effective way to remove handwriting as a source of tension is to allow students to make recordings instead of writing. Using technology, students can record themselves speaking about a topic or answering a question. 

This method not only eliminates the physical effort of writing but also allows students to focus more on the content of their responses. Recording also provides a great opportunity for students to listen to themselves and self-reflect on their speaking abilities.

2. Use Speech to Text Apps

Speech to text apps are another great alternative to handwriting. These apps can be used on tablets or smartphones and convert spoken words into written text. 

For students who struggle with handwriting, these apps can be a game-changer, as they provide an easier and more accessible way to express their thoughts. 

Plus, speech to text apps can help improve spelling and grammar by providing instant feedback on incorrect words or phrases.

3. Allow Them to Type

For students who have difficulty writing by hand, typing on a computer or tablet can be a great option. 

Many students find typing to be more comfortable and less frustrating than writing by hand. Typing also provides several additional benefits, including the ability to edit and revise work easily and the option to use spell-check and grammar tools to improve written work.

4. Use Scan to PDF

If students need to complete worksheets or other written assignments, another option to reduce tension is to use a scan-to-PDF feature. This allows students to complete the work on a computer or tablet and then convert it to a PDF file to print or submit electronically. 

This method can be especially helpful for students who struggle with handwriting, as it provides a more accessible way to complete necessary written work. 

5. Try Using Pictures

For students who struggle with language and writing, using pictures as prompts or aids can be a great alternative. Many students respond well to visual stimuli, and pictures can provide a way to express ideas and communicate effectively without needing to write. 

Teachers can use pictures to prompt discussion or provide visual cues for students who have difficulty processing language.

6. Incorporate Alternative Assessments

One of the best ways to alleviate the pressure of handwriting is to use alternative assessments. Instead of having students write essays or complete long written assignments, try using visual aids, graphic organizers, or oral presentations as assessment tools. 

You can also encourage students to participate in classroom debates or group discussions to showcase their understanding of specific topics. This not only takes the pressure off handwriting but also provides an opportunity for students to express themselves in other ways.

7. Try Stringing Letter Beads to Match Letters or Form Words

Using letter beads is a fun and interactive way to help students improve their handwriting skills. This activity involves stringing letter beads to match letters or form words. It promotes hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, two essential components of writing. 

Students will be excited to learn while stringing beads and won’t even realize they are practicing their handwriting. It’s also a great activity to incorporate during free time or as part of a literacy center.

8. Use Highlighted Lined Paper

Sometimes, the lines on a blank sheet of paper can be overwhelming for students with handwriting challenges. To help them focus on the space between lines, try using highlighted lined paper. 

By highlighting the space between the lines, students can better focus on the size and shape of the letters they are writing. It also helps reduce frustration and allows them to feel more confident in their writing abilities.

9. Use an Easel or Binder as an Elevated Writing Surface

Providing an elevated writing surface can be helpful to reduce tension and stress caused by handwriting challenges. Using an easel or a binder can work great as an elevated writing surface. 

Students can rest their arms on the easel or binder, and this can help with the stability of their writing. This reduced tension and pressure can make writing a more comfortable and less frustrating experience.

10. Think About the Writing Utensil Itself

Some students may benefit from thicker pencils or pens with grips that provide more stability. Others may need a lighter touch pen or pencil to reduce pressure and improve legibility. Some students may find a stylus or tablet more comfortable to write with than pen and paper. 

Make sure you experiment with different options to find what works best for each student.

11. Use a Dry Erase Board or Chalkboard 

One of the best ways to remove the frustration that stems from handwriting is using a dry erase board or a chalkboard. With this tool, students can express their ideas without struggling to form letters. Encouraging children to use these writing utensils can also help you and other teachers track their progress.

12. Use Pencil Grips

Pencil grips can help students who have difficulty holding a pencil correctly because of fine motor weaknesses. It promotes good posture and hand position, which helps in writing more legibly. 

There are a variety of pencil grips available, so it’s recommended that teachers experiment with several to see which works best for their students.

13. Consider Cursive

Although it tends to get a bad rap, cursive writing is an alternative to traditional printing and allows for a more fluid writing process. Cursive is often easier for students with fine motor deficits, as it requires fewer lifts and provides less stress to the hand. 

Teachers can introduce cursive writing in conjunction with printing to allow students to choose which method works best for them. Encouraging students to explore different writing methods and finding what works best for them can lead to a more positive and enjoyable writing experience.

14. Do Pre-Writing Activities

Pre-writing activities are activities that warm up the hand and build fine motor skills. These can include finger exercises, coloring, and cutting activities. These exercises help increase coordination, strength, and dexterity in the hands. 

Students can also be introduced to hand-strengthening tools such as putty or finger grips. These tools can help students build up the strength in their hands and improve their grip.

15. Try Electronic Whiteboards

Electronic whiteboards are an excellent tool that enables students to write legibly and illustrate their ideas on the board. They can be a bit pricey, so they’re often found in schools that specialize in students with special needs.

How Can I Help My Students With Bad Handwriting?


In some cases, you may just need your students to work on their handwriting – and that’s ok.  You can’t avoid it at all times within the curriculum, and while the strategies above can help you find ways around handwriting assignments, there are times when you need to just buckle down and put pen to paper.

If that’s the case, there are a few ways you can help your students improve their handwriting skills. Here are a few quick tips. 

Consider Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) is a great option for students with bad handwriting. OTs are trained to assess and address various fine motor skills, including handwriting. 

They work with students in a one-on-one setting and provide personalized exercises to improve their handwriting. OTs can also recommend tools like hand grips, weighted pencils or pens, and writing slants to make writing more comfortable and efficient for students. 

Plus, they can suggest activities that strengthen hand and finger muscles, such as playing with playdough or using tweezers to pick up small objects.

What Assistive Technology is Used for Bad Handwriting?

Assistive technology (AT) is another solution that can improve students’ handwriting. AT refers to tools or devices that help students with disabilities to perform daily tasks, including writing and drawing. 

There are many types of AT available for handwriting, such as speech-to-text software, smart pens, and portable digital tablets. These tools can facilitate students’ access to the curriculum and support their independent learning. 

It’s important to note that AT is not a substitute for good handwriting skills; rather, it can be used in conjunction with handwriting interventions to maximize students’ potential.

Other Helpful Tips

Apart from OT and AT, there are other simple strategies that can support students’ handwriting development. For instance, providing regular practice sessions that focus on letter formation, spacing, and legibility. 

You can also use sensory activities like tracing over rough surfaces or writing in sand to build students’ muscle memory and proprioception. 

You might also consider providing shorter writing tasks with clearly defined goals, as this can boost students’ confidence and motivation.

Final Thoughts


Helping students with bad handwriting is a common challenge for special education teachers. However, with the right interventions and tools, your students can improve their skills and flourish – chicken scratch, be gone!

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